Binary converter

This is a converter between various representations of binary data.


Bytes can be represented in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal bases. The binary, octal and hexadecimal representation are padded to a fixed length (8, 3 and 2 digits per byte); the decimal representation is variable-length and space-separated. These are also the formats expected for the input. All characters other than the base's digits (and, for decimals, whitespace delimiters) are ignored.

Base64 is a special encoding that represents byte sequences as alphanumeric characters (plus the characters /, + and =), using four characters per three bytes.

The PGP word list encodes bytes as a sequence of words, and is useful for conveying data over an audio channel.

The ASCII format prints the data as a string, in which non-printable bytes are escaped as \x00 ... \xff, and backslashes are escaped as \\.

This converter works on a byte level. Use the unicode converter to work with text that contains multibyte characters.

Raw output

Beside representing the byte values, this converter can also provide the data in the form of a hyperlink or an image element with a Data URI. A Media type identifier may optionally be entered. Note: Some browsers prevent left-clicking on data URI links for security reasons. If the link does not seem to work, use the context menu to either save or open it in a new tab.